New Departure Date

December 1, 2019

In our last update, we wrote that in order to leave at the end of January 2020 for Papua New Guinea, we needed to have raised at least 75% of our monthly support by December 1st. And now for the big reveal. It is December 1st and we are officially at....

We are not disappointed, and we are not discouraged. It’s crazy to think that in just ten months, we already have ⅔ of what we need for our continued monthly support and everything for our startup costs - plane tickets, visas, work permits, passports, immunizations, shipping containers; absolutely everything. We knew we were shooting for the moon when we hoped to raise all this in under a year. It takes the average missionary 2-4 years to get supported, and for some, unfortunately, it never happens. We’re just so thankful to know all of you. Consumerism seeps into every nook and cranny of our lives, yet you have decided, “I will store up my treasures for the next life.”

We’re so glad you’re doing this with us! Throughout our time of trying to raise our funds, we have had the hardest time getting into churches. Missions programs are getting cut, and churches are becoming more focused on expanding within America. Recently, though, we have seen how truly special it is that our team mostly consists of families and individuals supporting us with a portion of their own income every month. Now we think, we don’t want to get into a bunch of churches if we’re just going to be a face on a bulletin board, because for us, that’s what most of our interactions with missionaries have been. When we come back to visit and share what’s happening in Papua New Guinea, it’ll be to some of your houses over a pot of coffee or dinner; not just behind a podium on a Sunday night to people who may not even recognize us.

We’re both introverts, but we are loving this personal connection that we will have with each of you over the years. And it’s a journey we’re honored to take with you. Would you pray with us? It’s going to be difficult, and it’s going to be filled with drudgery and un-fun-ness, and tears. Just pray we stay the course faithfully. Jesus endured the cross “for the joy that was set before him.” May we do the same.

If you want to join our monthly support team, which currently consists of 53 individuals/families, and help us reach our final numbers, come on! There is still room left. In July 2020 we’ll God-willing be on an airplane, destination Papua New Guinea.

Here are our current numbers:

  • Plane Tickets, Visas, Work Permits, Passports, Immunizations etc. - Fully Funded
  • Monthly Support Level - 67% ($4,955 of $7,380)

Yes, there are more fun things you could save your money for every month - buy more stuff, plan more vacations, make more memories - but all these things will soon burn up. Be involved in reaching an unreached people group with us. An investment in the Gospel will never burn up.

Nate and Laura

Photo credit: Gail Hampshire